Friday, August 10, 2007

Yarn Princess

The girls made some yarn dolls last night with mommy's help. Emma loves them, even though her eyes may not look like it (she hates the camera flash)! Ava was interested for the night, but then onto something different by morning. Emma also decided to make a prince (not pictured) to go with her princess, then proceeded to ask me if I could make a yarn castle for them to live in. I told her that may take some time, and NO, lol! I'm not up for that much of a challenge.


Sonya said...

Those are cute! Now for the yarn baby and dog and king

Peggy said...

Those little dolls are so cute!!! The yarn one's as well!!! Yeah, Emma Belle really hates the flash. I think her fear that she is going to blink makes her blink that much more. :)

Lora said...

aw those are too cute Tab!!!!