Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The End of Summer Days

You wouldn't believe it with these temperatures, but Summer is coming to an end, and Fall is on the way. We are leaving it with a bang, making the most of the last days! Last weekend, we took the girls to two different parks and had a blast!

We started here.......

And made a splashing exit!

I had lots of fun, but I have to say, I can't wait until Fall! I absolutely love Halloween, the leaves changing colors, the cooler temps (meaning we actually get to wear our knitted pieces we drooled over all Summer), the yummy goodies to be made, pumpkin anything, apple everything, can you smell the spice in the air? SNIFF......ahhhhhh :)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Alright Sonya

I guess Sonya realized I've been hibernating and has tagged me, so here it goes......

1. Famous Singer/Band: Toad the Wet Sprocket

2. Four letter word: Talk

3. Street: Third St.

4. Color: Teal

5. Gifts/Presents: Toy

6. Vehicle: Toyota

7. Things in a Souvenir Shop: Thimbles

8. Boy Name: Tim

9. Girl Name: Theresa

10. Movie Title: Terminator

11. Drink: Tab ( it's legit Sonya)

12. Occupation: Teacher

13. Celebrity: Tom Cruise

14. Magazine: Teen

15. U.S. City: Tallahassee

6. Pro Sports Teams: TN Titans

17. Fruit: Tangerine

18. Reason for Being Late for Work: Traffic!!!!!

19. Something You Throw Away: Trash

20. Things You Shout: Time Out!

21. Cartoon Character: Taz


Monday, August 13, 2007

Home safe and happy!

The clock displayed 3:30pm, Ava and I made our way out the door to pick up Emma FINALLY! We were in the rather long car rider line, and had to wait. It was driving me crazy, but then I made it to the front of the line and saw this cute little girl following the teachers orders, not even realizing the whole while that her mommy and sister were in the car right beside her, ready to pick her up. Yep, it was my Emma Belle. She jumped in and said "Mommy, I had soooo much fun!" And repeated that phase only about 100 times during the 3 minute car ride home. I was so happy! She loved it! She sang songs, ate pizza for lunch, learned about vines (which I later found out were lines), and that her friend Ashley had the same Tinkerbell backpack! That's my girl, already making friends :)

First Day of School

Well, today was the day my first baby girl entered KINDERGARTEN!!! She woke up excited, ate breakfast, got dressed, and asked lots of questions. It was all going so wonderfully, until we went to walk out the door.....Emma opened it ready to go and out Jax runs! What terrible timing! We tried luring him back with a treat, chasing after him, nothing worked. Emma started to cry saying she was the one that opened the door, what if he doesn't come back mommy. I said "Forget it, let him run, this is not going to ruin our day! You didn't do anything wrong, dry your tears, Jax will come home if he wants. Now let's go to school and have a great day!" Thank goodness, she went along with that, still asking in the car, "Mommy will you please look for him while I'm in school?" Of course baby girl, now don't worry, and have a great day at school!

We walked into her classroom, she put her backpack in her cubbie and went to find her seat. She sat down, started to color, and was ready for class. I almost cried, she had done exactly what the teacher had written on the board, without being able to read, or even knowing what she was suppose to do. It made me so incredibly proud, but I had to suck up my tears and just praise her! I talked a little to the teacher and teacher's assistant, took some pictures, then gave her
a big hug and kiss, and out of the classroom I went. I had a few papers to drop off in the office, and had to run by the cafeteria to pay for her lunches in advance, then I HAD to go home balling my eyes out! It felt so strange leaving her. I wanted to go back and stay all day, but got myself together and went to find Jax. Kudos to my mom, she had came to watch Ava for me, and found him before I even got home. I can't wait to pick my baby girl up and it's only 11:15am :)

Friday, August 10, 2007

Yarn Princess


The girls made some yarn dolls last night with mommy's help. Emma loves them, even though her eyes may not look like it (she hates the camera flash)! Ava was interested for the night, but then onto something different by morning. Emma also decided to make a prince (not pictured) to go with her princess, then proceeded to ask me if I could make a yarn castle for them to live in. I told her that may take some time, and NO, lol! I'm not up for that much of a challenge.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Mommy's baby off to school

My first little girl, Emma, is set to start school on Monday. I can't believe it is already that time. It seems like just yesterday she was crawling on the floor, and up the stairs, and you know where I'm going with this.....I'm SAD!!!! I know, I know, I should be proud and happy and think of what a bright young girl I have brought into the world, and I do think all of those things, but I'm still SAD!!!! I like having her at home with me, where I know she is safe. There are no little rotten bullies here to pick on her, she can do what she wants when she wants (if mommy says it's o.k.), and I just know she is happy and safe here!!!!!! Alright, personally, I'm just a mom who doesn't want to give up her first little baby. I'd like to keep my baby, MY BABY, as long as possible! What will I do when she no longer fits on my lap :( And to think this is only the beginning of it all..........

Sunday, August 5, 2007

So it's NOT a twin, it's a PAIR!

Alright, so I got in a hurry and was so excited to finish my sock, I messed it up! On my decreases for the toe, I totally forgot to knit plain rows in between my decreased rows. Therefore, I don't necessarily have a twin, but at least it's a dang pair of socks, and I have learned my lesson! I still like them! And I'm still confident I can make another pair and get 'em right, so there!