Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Let the Halloween Parties Begin....

As most of you may know, I love Fall! It is my favorite season! The best time to knit, spin, cook, sew (yep, I said sew), and have fun with Halloween! This year I made a lot of my girls costumes. Emma decided on Sally from The Nightmare Before Xmas and Ava chose to be Glinda or Galinda the Good Witch, if you've seen the wonderful musical Wicked :) I started off thinking, where will I get a wig for Sally that isn't expensive... hey, wait a minute, I knit....duh! So, I took my chances and decided to knit one up! It turned out much better than I had expected without a pattern and whatnot. I hand sewn her dress together, and stitched some stitches on her tights with the sewing machine my wonderful friend/ex-mother-in-law, Peggy, so graciously let me borrow. As well as taught me how to use (I haven't used a sewing machine since high school). She also pretty much made Ava's skirt, which was wonderful! I had so much left to do, and I don't think I would have had enough confidence to make a skirt just yet, lol! I did, however, sew a belt and puffy sleeves to match. The girl's thought they were great and that's what matters to me :) Emma even won the costume contest at our family Halloween party we attend every year...this makes her third year in a row winning best costume! She was sooooo thrilled!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


I know I haven't post anything in ages!!! Shame, shame, but life gets busy, and not that I don't love to post...I just can't seem to keep up! Anyway, I haven't knit much lately (other than a keychain sock), but I have had a great summer with my family. I am happy to say I have a beautiful little first grader now. She is getting so big, so fast!
I have, however, found time to start spinning! My wonderful friend and Emma's Gammy, Peggy, and I have decided to make a day of knitting and spinning on occasions when she comes to pick up Emma. We had the chance to get together yesterday and it was GREAT! Well, except for my spinning that is, LOL. Peggy brought all of her wheels, yes I said all, technically she has three!!! I am so lucky that she is graciously letting me spin on them AND even left two of them at MY house with me!!!!! This gorgeous little baby is one of them. I think it looks pretty nice in my living room, ha! But I would have to say I had the worse time trying to spin on it. I haven't ever spun on a single treadle, and I'll tell you what, my foot couldn't keep that thing spinning...it was making me want to say bad words (as Peggy would put it)! I have continued to work on my single treadling today, and I'm happy to say it's much better! I love spinning! If you look closely, you can see my improvement :)
Another one of my new loves, is the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. This book was awesome! I couldn't put it down! If you like the movie "The Lost Boys" and like a good love story, then this is the book for you. All about love and vampires, without the raunchiness of some vampire stories I've read. I have finished Twilight and have started the second of the series, New Moon. Also, the movie is coming out in November and I can't wait to see if it does the book justice!
That's all I have for now, but I will be sure to keep you all posted on my spinning progress and I may even have some yarn or a knitted FO to show next time...don't hold your breath though, LOL!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Where to Start.....

I have so much to post! First, I'll start with the annual Girl's Trip! It was a blast! We girls get together every year and stay at a chalet usually somewhere in Kentucky, and just relax! No husbands\boyfriends\men in general or kiddos! That's relaxing enough in itself, right? This year we chose Lake Cumberland. The weather wasn't great, but alright and we all had fun. The chalet was nice with hot tub, air hockey, pool table, karaoke, everything! A few of the girls got a pontoon, some hiked, and went to see the moonbow. Here are a few pics of our awesome weekend...

Next, my baby girl had her last day of Kindergarten. I was a little disappointed that they didn't have any kind of graduation ceremony or event for it, but a week earlier they did have a field day that her Gammy got to attend and they had fun together! Emma was so excited that her Gammy came to her school and met all her friend's. Check out Peggy's blog for pics :)

Then we celebrated Emma's 6th birthday, with a High School Musical party at grandma's house. She had her HSM outfit on, we played Mrs. Darbus' cellphone search and musical chairs (which went over terribly), I don't recommend musical chairs!!! I think every child that missed their chair and therefore were out, CRIED! It was awful! But then we had CAKE, and that made everything all better :) Emma had a great time and loved her presents and getting to go back home with Gammy, of course, after the party!

And last to report, we went to Abbey Road on the River with our friends Kevin and Anne. We had a great time! It was a beautiful day, we were outside all day and night, listening to great music and enjoying good beer with friends! I have to say my favorite were the B-trips, but I like to call them "The Japanese Beatles" :) They were too cute and of course they played "The Beatles" very well. A good time was had by all...

Monday, May 5, 2008

Derby Day Dish

Well I have absolutely nothing to report on my knitting lately, but I do however have a party to post, a Derby party!!! My uncle has one every year, and it's always really fun! The girl's make a Derby hat, get to have a stick horse race, eat lots (that's the part Ava loves :), and this year I even let them do a little betting. My family has small pots that make it worth betting, but doesn't really empty your pockets at the same time, so I decided the girl's were old enough to pick the "silk" they wanted to win...yes, they picked by the jockey's silk pic in the book and the names. Ava decided on Denis of Cork because he had the awesome hot pink on, and Emma went with Eight Belles, since Belle is her middle name :) LOL! Cute, right? And they did win 2nd and 3rd place...I knew I should have let the bet the larger pot, bummer! But they bet the smaller one and went home with a few dollars, to them money is money anyway!

We had a great day!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Hey everyone go to this site....


Registration is FREE, so register, then go to the pull down category menu, My Ex is Full of Knit Contest and VOTE for Hippie Nate! This is my friend Lora's creation and he is too cool, she can win lots o' yarn and she deserves it for this guy.......so go VOTE!!!!!! You have until April 5! GO NOW!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Good and the Bad

For the bad, I had a cyst removed from under my ear on Tueday, for the SECOND time! If you ask me, the first time was enough! It wasn't too terrible except for the fact that the first time I went under and this time I was awake. I could hear everything! Talk about gross! I used to be a nursing assistant, so I know what goes on during this procedure and I can easily watch it being performed on someone else, but when it comes to me or my kids and medical procedures...I become a total MESS! I can't handle it well at all! But it's over, and now just feels like someone punched me in my ear, so not too bad, I guess? LOL!

For the good, even though I am recovering with the help of my wonderful pain pills, I couldn't pass up the chance to take my little Emma Belle to see High School Musical (5th row seats!) with her cousin Madison, and her mommy. They had the extra tickets and so kindly invited us to go with them. Now I have to say, NOTHING about High School Musical is thrilling to me, but Emma LOVES Madison and absolutely LOVES the theater, so we had to go :) And I did chuckle at a few parts, but also wanted to strangle everyone on stage once my meds wore off! :) Madison and Emma had a blast, they both just kept saying "this is soooooo awesome!" as they held their little matching High School Musical clutches on their shoulders, too funny!
(Sorry no pics, my camera phone STINKS!)

NO knitting to report, just haven't felt like doing much, maybe next time :)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

On My Way to Bryant Park

HA! Just kidding! But I did finish the dress I knitted for Ava, well maybe Emma :) It really looks cute on them both! I think Emma really liked it more, as you can tell from Ava's face, or it may be the fact that I have made Ava try it on 100 times already. The newness factor has definitely worn off, lol!

I may also add some flowers, yet to be decided. I do kind of like the idea of being finished with it :) considering I have to make another one.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Make It Work

Alright, I don't know how many of you watch the show "Project Runway", but I have started to knit Ava a little dress. I looked for a pattern, but just couldn't find one I was happy with, so I'm on my own with NO PATTERN. I just keep thinking of Tim Gunn saying, "Make it work, just make it work!" I think so far I am making it work :) I'm just a little worried about the armholes, and how I'm going to create the top. Here is my creation thus far.....

Wish me luck!

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Best Cook in the Whole Wide World

We picked up Tim last night at the airport. The girls were soooooo excited! You can't park, unless you want to pay, so we decided to go around the circle until we saw him standing there. The girls loved this! They counted 6 times we went around, then there he was! Emma said she was hoping we didn't have to count to 50, lol. Tim and I had decided we were going to do something for Valentine's Day when he got back, so my idea was to take the girls out to Shogun and sit at the Hibachi grill :) Emma had came home from school one day and said, Ashley, (a friend of hers) had went to a place where they cook the food right on your table and the cook throws it in your mouth. I finally figured out she meant a Hibachi grill! Ever since she has been really wanting to go. I'm sad to say I didn't get any pictures, but we all had a blast! Emma expressed to the cook she wanted NO food to be thrown her way, but instead she drew him a great picture of a cook with a chef hat on and throwing eggs up in the air. Ava made sure to tell him he was the best cook in the whole wide world...that child LOVES rice! The server had their chopsticks all fixed up so that they could actually use them. He brought umbrellas and cherries in their drinks. We sat and watched the HUGE fish for a little on the way out. Ava loved this! But I'm tellin' you those fish are crazy! They come right up to you and open their mouth. I thought this was really creepy, but Ava just stuck her finger down there and was willing to let them take a nibble (if I hadn't had stopped her, lol). Overall, it was a wonderful time! :) It makes me so happy to spend time with my beautiful family.

In knitting news, my friend, Sonya, had a blog contest going on and I actually won 3rd place! Thanks to her lovely children for creating a third place. I think she only planned on having one winner, lol. But, I am so happy to have won 3rd. I can't wait to see the goody I'll receive! :) I am debating my next project right now. I think I may be going for a light Spring sweater for myself or trying to master those terrible (actually wonderful) lace socks that I couldn't figure out! Wish me luck, I'm sure I'll need it to achieve either of those projects!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Got a Sweetheart?

Don't forget to show some love to your sweetheart!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Find Out Your Recipe

***The Recipe For Tabitha***

3 parts Courage
2 parts Vigor
1 part Sensitivity

Splash of Impishness

Finish off with whipped cream

What's the Recipe for Your Personality?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Day In The Snow

We have snow, so Ava and I went out and made this snowman! He's not the greatest, but we really like him, and Ava had a blast! I wish Emma could have been here too, but she had school. They were on a delay. She wanted to go out before she went, but I didn't want her getting all dirty then going to school, so we'll have to go out next time. The snow was perfect for a snowman, really crunchy, Ava said :) Then when we were finished, she said "But mommy, what about his wife, Frosty has a wife, her name is Crystal...what about Crystal?" I had to tell her our Frosty was a bachelor, LOL! For one, I was cold and ready for some hot tea, and two, we were out of snow. It may have been crunchy good snow, but there wasn't that much of it :) We had so much fun!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A Wicked Day

I have finally seen Wicked the musical! My little Emma only talks about it all the time, sings the songs, tells me the characters, etc. etc...now, I can relate!!! We started out Saturday morning, getting Emma in full costume, (black dress, green face and all), then headed to Cincinnati with Emma's gammy, Peggy, and Aunt Sara. I am very sad to say, I couldn't find our camera, so I don't have any pictures :( But check out Peggy's blog to see a few :) It was awesome! The story is wonderful! I also enjoy the CD so much more now that I know what is going on and who is singing. Emma was very happy having seen the show twice now and coming home with a Wicked beanie, shirt, and beautiful water globe that plays her favorite Elphaba song "Defying Gravity". She just loves it!

Knit-wise, I have finished Emma's scarf (from my previous post) and also made her a hat to match. I would like to knit up some mittens to go with, but I don't know if I can take much more of that yarn, so she may have to go without mittens :( I may start a Wicked afghan if I'm feeling froggy, ha froggy...ok Peggy may be the only one that gets that. I'm a dork! Anyway, we'll see, I have to figure out the chart first :\

In other news, I'm also crossing my fingers to go on a knitting trip in February. I may have to take poor knitter donations or something though, lol, so wish me luck!