Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Good and the Bad

For the bad, I had a cyst removed from under my ear on Tueday, for the SECOND time! If you ask me, the first time was enough! It wasn't too terrible except for the fact that the first time I went under and this time I was awake. I could hear everything! Talk about gross! I used to be a nursing assistant, so I know what goes on during this procedure and I can easily watch it being performed on someone else, but when it comes to me or my kids and medical procedures...I become a total MESS! I can't handle it well at all! But it's over, and now just feels like someone punched me in my ear, so not too bad, I guess? LOL!

For the good, even though I am recovering with the help of my wonderful pain pills, I couldn't pass up the chance to take my little Emma Belle to see High School Musical (5th row seats!) with her cousin Madison, and her mommy. They had the extra tickets and so kindly invited us to go with them. Now I have to say, NOTHING about High School Musical is thrilling to me, but Emma LOVES Madison and absolutely LOVES the theater, so we had to go :) And I did chuckle at a few parts, but also wanted to strangle everyone on stage once my meds wore off! :) Madison and Emma had a blast, they both just kept saying "this is soooooo awesome!" as they held their little matching High School Musical clutches on their shoulders, too funny!
(Sorry no pics, my camera phone STINKS!)

NO knitting to report, just haven't felt like doing much, maybe next time :)


Peggy said...

Bless you heart!!!!! I can't wait for Emma Belle to tell me all about the musical!!!!! You get to feeling better.

Stacy said...

I'm glad your cyst is gone and hopefully for good! That WOULD be soooooo awesome to go see that! I need to add the movie to my queue b/c I think if I was a kid I would love it...oh wait, I am a kid! :D 5th row seats! AMAZING! Hope to see you soon!

Sonya said...

I'm glad it is over, and hope it stays gone.
Olivia wanted to see that show so much.
See you tomorrow!